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The Gentile Lab

The Gentile Lab having fun at laser tag! (Nov 2024)

Located in the STEM Complex of the University of Ottawa, in the hearth of Canada’s National Capital Region, our laboratory is part of the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, the Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology and the AI4Science@uOttawa group.

Our research focuses on computer-aided drug discovery at the interface of chemistry, biology and computer science. We are interested in developing and applying innovative computational tools to accelerate therapeutics discovery in cancer and other diseases.

We gratefully acknowledge the support from:


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News from the lab

  • 2024-11-21: Our new preprint on GNNs for improving docking is now out. Check it out!

  • 2024-10-25: Our book chapter on the role of AI in drug discovery is now out. Check it out!

  • 2024-06-12: Yasaman joined the lab as research assistant. Welcome Yasaman!

  • 2024-06-10: our preprint on the discovery of nM AB42 binders is now out. Check it out!